• List of Quantum Physics Formulas Equations Latex Code

    rockingdingo #physics #quantum

    In this blog, we will introduce most popuplar formulas in Quantum Physics. We will also provide latex code of the equations. Topics of Quantum Physics include Black Body Radiation, The Compton Effect, Quantum Wave Functions, Operators in Quantum Physics, The Uncertainty Principle, The Schrödinger Equation, Parity, The Tunnel Effect, Harmonic Oscillator, Angular momentum, Spin, the Dirac Formalism, and so on.

  • Latex for Atomic Structure Electrochemistry Thermochemistry Chemical Equations and Formulas

    rockingdingo #Chemistry #Atomic Structure #Electrochemistry

    In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular equations and formulas for Atomic Structure, Electrochemistry, Thermochemistry, Chemistry. The topics include Bohr Radius, De Broglie Wavelength, Linear Momentum, Planck Quantized Energy Equation, Radii of stable orbits in Bohr model, Energy and Principal Quantum Number, Rydberg Equation, Speed of Light, Cell Voltage, Electric Current, Reaction Quotient, Equilibrium Constant and Cell Voltage, Enthalpy Change,Entropy Change, Gibb Free Energy Change, Specific Heat Capacity to Heat Equation, etc.