Bregman Divergences

Tags: #machine learning


$$d_{\phi}(z,z^{'})=\phi(z) - \phi(z^{'})-(z-z^{'})^{T} \nabla \phi(z^{'})$$

Latex Code

                                 d_{\phi}(z,z^{'})=\phi(z) - \phi(z^{'})-(z-z^{'})^{T} \nabla \phi(z^{'})

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Bregman divergences

            d_{\phi}(z,z^{'})=\phi(z) - \phi(z^{'})-(z-z^{'})^{T} \nabla \phi(z^{'})

Mixture Density Estimation

            p_{\phi}(y=k|z)=\frac{\pi_{k} \exp(-d(z, \mu (\theta_{k})))}{\sum_{k^{'}} \pi_{k^{'}} \exp(-d(z, \mu (\theta_{k})))}


The prototypi- cal networks algorithm is equivalent to performing mixture density estimation on the support set with an exponential family density. A regular Bregman divergence d_{\phi} is defined as above. \phi is a differentiable, strictly convex function of the Legendre type. Examples of Bregman divergences include squared Euclidean distance and Mahalanobis distance.


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