Proximal Policy Optimization

Tags: #machine learning #AI #LLM


$$\arg\max\limits_{\pi}{ E_{p \sim D,g \sim \pi} [R(g|p)] }, R(g|p) = \tilde{R}_{c}(g|p) - \beta D_{KL}( \pi_{\theta} (g|p) || \pi_{0} (g|p))$$

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                                 \arg\max\limits_{\pi}{ E_{p \sim D,g \sim \pi} [R(g|p)] },  R(g|p) = \tilde{R}_{c}(g|p) - \beta D_{KL}( \pi_{\theta} (g|p) || \pi_{0} (g|p))

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Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is an optimization algorithm of reinforcement learning (RLHF) to train the reward model during the stage of finetuning a Larget Language Model (LLM). It helps to better align the LLM's generation to judgement and human's feedback. The model iteratively improve the policy by sampling prompts p from dataset D and generations g from the policy \pi, and use the PPO algorithm to optimize loss function. $$ R(g|p) $$: Final reward function , $$ \tilde{R}_{c}(g|p) $$: The reward function we define, such as the piecewise combination of the safety (Rs) and helpfulness (Rh) in LLaMa 2 model, $$ \pi_{0} (g|p) $$: Original policy to generate Response g, given Prompt p, $$ \pi_{\theta} (g|p) $$: The policy we are optimizing with parameters \theta, $$ \beta $$: KL penalty term to prevent the policy from diverging from original policy too far.


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