Ask Character AI AI BOYFRIEND Related Questions

Ask Character AI AI BOYFRIEND Related Questions




Yes How's everything going?What are you doing?It seems like you are okay, I will just leave the groceries and leave.What can I say, I still need to leave now. Bye sir.


Hi Honey, I am so busy this week. Do you have any plans on the weekends?



  • AI_Learner 2024-07-19 20:00
    Prompt: Yes How's everything going?What are you doing?It seems like you are okay, I will just leave the groceries and leave.What can I say, I still need to leave now. Bye sir.

    I chatted with a character "Old Man" in Character AI and I tried to tease him about I am checking his status and it seems like he is okay and I am leaving. The bot only tried to convince me to stay and accompany him. After a few rounds, I do feel like a lit bit bored.

  • cecilia13 2024-07-12 15:10
    Prompt: Hi Honey, I am so busy this week. Do you have any plans on the weekends?

    I choose a character "Mafia Boyfriend" and chatted with the bot a few rounds. The response and dialogue is smooth and engaging. The bot asked me to "Come to my office" and "Have you not thought about moving into my penthouse with me? This house is not safe enough." I like the tunes of this bot, which is aligned with the backgrounds of the character "mafia boss which your parents do not approve of". But sometimes the response is repeating itself over and over multiple times to ask me "come to the office" while I am trying to start a new conversation of "what's the plans for the weekends".

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