

Gemini vs ChatGPT for weight Comparison in different aspects of AI services with data mining from genuine user reviews & ratings, including: ALL,Interesting,Helpfulness,Correctness. AI store is a platform of genuine user reviews,rating and AI generated contents, covering a wide range of categories including AI Image Generators, AI Chatbot & Assistant, AI Productivity Tool, AI Video Generator, AI in Healthcare, AI in Education, AI in Lifestyle, AI in Finance, AI in Business, AI in Law, AI in Travel, AI in News, AI in Entertainment, AI for Kids, AI for Elderly, AI Search Engine, AI Quadruped Robot.

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  • wilsonz1989 2024-09-03 18:19

    Overall, Gemini did a good job though not optimal in the pytorch model coding test. I asked the same question on ChatGPT vs Gemini vs Claude. Among all these three platforms, Gemini‘s python code is correct but less concise. It also uses some unusual functions of pytorch package, such as """ context.permutate(0, 2, 1, 3).view(...) """. This is just a weighted average tensor operation, so this implementation is very uncommon and not necessary. And ChatGPT and Claude use the correct function for this operation, which is """ torch.einsum().reshape() """. Even though it's not a big deal, but generating common python code in Gemini is not optimal.

  • Michael Johnson 2024-06-24 17:53

    I tried to ask ChatGPT "How can I manage arthritis pain?". And it give me 10 tips on how to deal with arthritis pain. Some of them seem reasonable, such as medications of NSAIDs(ibuprofen or naproxen), Joint protection, etc. And the remaining are just too general and not helpful, such as weight management, stress management, etc. It will be much better if ChatGPT can provide some external links to trustworthy information sources. And I will are interested in some further research.