Machine Learning
In this blog, we will summarize the latex code for equations and formula sheet of CFA Level II exam, Formula Sheet Equations and Latex Code. Topics include QUANTITATIVE METHODS, such as LINEAR REGRESSION, MULTIPLE REGRESSION, TIME SERIES ANALYSIS, Machine Learning, ECONOMICS, Exchange rate, Covered interest rate parity, Uncovered interest rate parity, Relative purchasing power parity, Fisher and international Fisher effects, FX carry trade, Mundell-Fleming model, ECONOMIC GROWTH, Growth accounting equation, Labor productivity growth accounting equation, Classical growth model (Malthusian model), Neoclassical growth model (Solow’s model), Endogenous growth model, Convergence, ECONOMICS OF REGULATION. The data source of this blog is summarized from WILEY’S CFA PROGRAM LEVEL II quicksheet.

In this blog, we will summarize the latex code for equations of CFA Level I exam, Formula Sheet Equations and Latex Code, and provide Chatbot as AI Assistant to facilitate your reading. You can ask question like what is "Real GDP" in the chatbox. Topics in the blog include three major parts of CFA Level I exam: QUANTITATIVE, ECONOMICS and FINANCIAL REPORTING. Detailed topics include THE TIME VALUE OF MONEY, Future Value, Present Value, Effective Annual Rate, Continuous Compounding, Ordinary Annuity, Annuity Due, Perpetuity, STATISTICAL CONCEPT AND MARKET RETURNS, Fisher Skewness, Kurtosis, Two-asset portfolio, Three-asset portfolio, Microeconomics, Simple Interest, Effective Rate, Future Value of Ordinary Annuities, Annuities Due, Present Value of Ordinary Annuities, Allocative Efficiency Condition, Average Fixed Cost; Macroeconomics Investment, Aggregate Expenditure Without Government or Foreign Sectors, Marginal Propensity to Consume MPC, Marginal Propensity Save MPS, Sum of Marginal Propensity to Save and Marginal Propensity to Consume, Autonomous Spending Multiplier, Balanced Budget Multiplier, Banks Reserve Ratio, Nominal Interest Rate, Real GDP, Real Interest Rate, Tax Multiplier, Unemployment Rate. FINANCIAL REPORTING and ANALYSIS, Basic EPS, Diluted EPS, Balance Sheet, Free Cash Flow to the Firm, Cash Flow Performance Ratio, Cash Flow To Revenue Ratio, Cash Return On Assets, Cash Return On Assets, Cash Return On Equity, Activity Ratio, Inventory Turnover, Days of Inventory On Hand (DOH), Receivables Turnover, Days of Sales Outstanding, etc.
In this blog, we will summarize the latex code for equations and formula sheet of CFA Level II exam, Formula Sheet Equations and Latex Code. Topics include QUANTITATIVE METHODS, such as LINEAR REGRESSION, MULTIPLE REGRESSION, TIME SERIES ANALYSIS, Machine Learning, ECONOMICS, Exchange rate, Covered interest rate parity, Uncovered interest rate parity, Relative purchasing power parity, Fisher and international Fisher effects, FX carry trade, Mundell-Fleming model, ECONOMIC GROWTH, Growth accounting equation, Labor productivity growth accounting equation, Classical growth model (Malthusian model), Neoclassical growth model (Solow’s model), Endogenous growth model, Convergence, ECONOMICS OF REGULATION. The data source of this blog is summarized from WILEY’S CFA PROGRAM LEVEL II quicksheet.
In this blog, we will summarize the latex code for equations of CFA Level I exam, Formula Sheet Equations and Latex Code, and provide Chatbot as AI Assistant to facilitate your reading. You can ask question like what is "Real GDP" in the chatbox. Topics in the blog include three major parts of CFA Level I exam: QUANTITATIVE, ECONOMICS and FINANCIAL REPORTING. Detailed topics include THE TIME VALUE OF MONEY, Future Value, Present Value, Effective Annual Rate, Continuous Compounding, Ordinary Annuity, Annuity Due, Perpetuity, STATISTICAL CONCEPT AND MARKET RETURNS, Fisher Skewness, Kurtosis, Two-asset portfolio, Three-asset portfolio, Microeconomics, Simple Interest, Effective Rate, Future Value of Ordinary Annuities, Annuities Due, Present Value of Ordinary Annuities, Allocative Efficiency Condition, Average Fixed Cost; Macroeconomics Investment, Aggregate Expenditure Without Government or Foreign Sectors, Marginal Propensity to Consume MPC, Marginal Propensity Save MPS, Sum of Marginal Propensity to Save and Marginal Propensity to Consume, Autonomous Spending Multiplier, Balanced Budget Multiplier, Banks Reserve Ratio, Nominal Interest Rate, Real GDP, Real Interest Rate, Tax Multiplier, Unemployment Rate. FINANCIAL REPORTING and ANALYSIS, Basic EPS, Diluted EPS, Balance Sheet, Free Cash Flow to the Firm, Cash Flow Performance Ratio, Cash Flow To Revenue Ratio, Cash Return On Assets, Cash Return On Assets, Cash Return On Equity, Activity Ratio, Inventory Turnover, Days of Inventory On Hand (DOH), Receivables Turnover, Days of Sales Outstanding, etc.
In this blog, we will summarize the latex code for equations and formula sheet of CFA Level II exam, Formula Sheet Equations and Latex Code. Topics include QUANTITATIVE METHODS, such as LINEAR REGRESSION, MULTIPLE REGRESSION, TIME SERIES ANALYSIS, Machine Learning, ECONOMICS, Exchange rate, Covered interest rate parity, Uncovered interest rate parity, Relative purchasing power parity, Fisher and international Fisher effects, FX carry trade, Mundell-Fleming model, ECONOMIC GROWTH, Growth accounting equation, Labor productivity growth accounting equation, Classical growth model (Malthusian model), Neoclassical growth model (Solow’s model), Endogenous growth model, Convergence, ECONOMICS OF REGULATION. The data source of this blog is summarized from WILEY’S CFA PROGRAM LEVEL II quicksheet.
Hi parents and kids, this free online AI course "Use generative AI to Draw Paw Patrol Dog Chase" will gives your K12 kids a brief introduction to what is Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, what can AI accomplish (such as AI Generated Contents converting text to image, Chatbots giving automatic response), and how does AI work in the easiest way that even K12 children can understand. This course covers some fundamental concepts of AI, including what neural networks is, what's the most popular neural network blocks of AI models (Transformers, Diffusion, etc.). Finally, kids can also participate by interacting with the AI during the course, by clicking the image or text with 'robot' icon or button, and get more detailed explanation, type a query or ask question using microphone by themselves, and accomplish the task of generating a picture of unique Paw Patrol Dogs and get the trophy. This course will takes around 20 minutes to complete. And all the interactive learning sessions in the course are designed by experienced children-education professionals. Let's get started!
Hi parents and kids, this free online AI course "Use generative AI to Draw Paw Patrol Dog Skye" will gives your K12 kids a brief introduction to what is Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, what can AI accomplish (such as AI Generated Contents converting text to image, Chatbots giving automatic response), and how does AI work in the easiest way that even K12 children can understand. This course covers some fundamental concepts of AI, including what neural networks is, what's the most popular neural network blocks of AI models (Transformers, Diffusion, etc.). Finally, kids can also participate by interacting with the AI during the course, by clicking the image or text with 'robot' icon or button, and get more detailed explanation, type a query or ask question using microphone by themselves, and accomplish the task of generating a picture of unique Paw Patrol Dogs and get the trophy. This course will takes around 20 minutes to complete. And all the interactive learning sessions in the course are designed by experienced children-education professionals. Let's get started!
Hi parents and kids, this free online AI course "Use generative AI to Draw Paw Patrol Dog Chase" will gives your K12 kids a brief introduction to what is Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, what can AI accomplish (such as AI Generated Contents converting text to image, Chatbots giving automatic response), and how does AI work in the easiest way that even K12 children can understand. This course covers some fundamental concepts of AI, including what neural networks is, what's the most popular neural network blocks of AI models (Transformers, Diffusion, etc.). Finally, kids can also participate by interacting with the AI during the course, by clicking the image or text with 'robot' icon or button, and get more detailed explanation, type a query or ask question using microphone by themselves, and accomplish the task of generating a picture of unique Paw Patrol Dogs and get the trophy. This course will takes around 20 minutes to complete. And all the interactive learning sessions in the course are designed by experienced children-education professionals. Let's get started!
Hi parents and kids, this free online AI course "Use generative AI to Draw Paw Patrol Dog Skye" will gives your K12 kids a brief introduction to what is Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, what can AI accomplish (such as AI Generated Contents converting text to image, Chatbots giving automatic response), and how does AI work in the easiest way that even K12 children can understand. This course covers some fundamental concepts of AI, including what neural networks is, what's the most popular neural network blocks of AI models (Transformers, Diffusion, etc.). Finally, kids can also participate by interacting with the AI during the course, by clicking the image or text with 'robot' icon or button, and get more detailed explanation, type a query or ask question using microphone by themselves, and accomplish the task of generating a picture of unique Paw Patrol Dogs and get the trophy. This course will takes around 20 minutes to complete. And all the interactive learning sessions in the course are designed by experienced children-education professionals. Let's get started!
AI Courses
In this blog, we will summarize the latex code for equations of CFA Level I exam, Formula Sheet Equations and Latex Code, and provide Chatbot as AI Assistant to facilitate your reading. You can ask question like what is "Real GDP" in the chatbox. Topics in the blog include three major parts of CFA Level I exam: QUANTITATIVE, ECONOMICS and FINANCIAL REPORTING. Detailed topics include THE TIME VALUE OF MONEY, Future Value, Present Value, Effective Annual Rate, Continuous Compounding, Ordinary Annuity, Annuity Due, Perpetuity, STATISTICAL CONCEPT AND MARKET RETURNS, Fisher Skewness, Kurtosis, Two-asset portfolio, Three-asset portfolio, Microeconomics, Simple Interest, Effective Rate, Future Value of Ordinary Annuities, Annuities Due, Present Value of Ordinary Annuities, Allocative Efficiency Condition, Average Fixed Cost; Macroeconomics Investment, Aggregate Expenditure Without Government or Foreign Sectors, Marginal Propensity to Consume MPC, Marginal Propensity Save MPS, Sum of Marginal Propensity to Save and Marginal Propensity to Consume, Autonomous Spending Multiplier, Balanced Budget Multiplier, Banks Reserve Ratio, Nominal Interest Rate, Real GDP, Real Interest Rate, Tax Multiplier, Unemployment Rate. FINANCIAL REPORTING and ANALYSIS, Basic EPS, Diluted EPS, Balance Sheet, Free Cash Flow to the Firm, Cash Flow Performance Ratio, Cash Flow To Revenue Ratio, Cash Return On Assets, Cash Return On Assets, Cash Return On Equity, Activity Ratio, Inventory Turnover, Days of Inventory On Hand (DOH), Receivables Turnover, Days of Sales Outstanding, etc.
Hi parents and kids, this free online AI course "Use generative AI to Draw Paw Patrol Dog Chase" will gives your K12 kids a brief introduction to what is Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, what can AI accomplish (such as AI Generated Contents converting text to image, Chatbots giving automatic response), and how does AI work in the easiest way that even K12 children can understand. This course covers some fundamental concepts of AI, including what neural networks is, what's the most popular neural network blocks of AI models (Transformers, Diffusion, etc.). Finally, kids can also participate by interacting with the AI during the course, by clicking the image or text with 'robot' icon or button, and get more detailed explanation, type a query or ask question using microphone by themselves, and accomplish the task of generating a picture of unique Paw Patrol Dogs and get the trophy. This course will takes around 20 minutes to complete. And all the interactive learning sessions in the course are designed by experienced children-education professionals. Let's get started!
Hi parents and kids, this free online AI course "Use generative AI to Draw Paw Patrol Dog Skye" will gives your K12 kids a brief introduction to what is Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, what can AI accomplish (such as AI Generated Contents converting text to image, Chatbots giving automatic response), and how does AI work in the easiest way that even K12 children can understand. This course covers some fundamental concepts of AI, including what neural networks is, what's the most popular neural network blocks of AI models (Transformers, Diffusion, etc.). Finally, kids can also participate by interacting with the AI during the course, by clicking the image or text with 'robot' icon or button, and get more detailed explanation, type a query or ask question using microphone by themselves, and accomplish the task of generating a picture of unique Paw Patrol Dogs and get the trophy. This course will takes around 20 minutes to complete. And all the interactive learning sessions in the course are designed by experienced children-education professionals. Let's get started!
In this blog, we will summarize the latex code for equations and formula sheet of CFA Level II exam, Formula Sheet Equations and Latex Code. Topics include QUANTITATIVE METHODS, such as LINEAR REGRESSION, MULTIPLE REGRESSION, TIME SERIES ANALYSIS, Machine Learning, ECONOMICS, Exchange rate, Covered interest rate parity, Uncovered interest rate parity, Relative purchasing power parity, Fisher and international Fisher effects, FX carry trade, Mundell-Fleming model, ECONOMIC GROWTH, Growth accounting equation, Labor productivity growth accounting equation, Classical growth model (Malthusian model), Neoclassical growth model (Solow’s model), Endogenous growth model, Convergence, ECONOMICS OF REGULATION. The data source of this blog is summarized from WILEY’S CFA PROGRAM LEVEL II quicksheet.