• Introduction to Multimodal Generative Models-Model Architecture Key Features and Codes

    rockingdingo #Multimodal Generative Models #AIGC #Large Language Model

    In this blog, we will give you a brief introduction of what are multimodal models and what can multimodal generative models accomplish. OpenAI just released their latest text-to-video multimodal generative model "SORA" in Feb, 2024 which becomes extremely popular. SORA can generate short videos of up to 1 minute's length. Before SORA, there are also many generative multi-modal models released by various companies, such as BLIP, BLIP2, FLAMINGO, FlaVA, etc. We will summarize a complete list of these time tested multi-modal generative models, introduce the model architures (text and image encoder), the training process, tasks, latex equation of loss functions, the Vision Language capabilities (such as text-to-image, text-to-video, text-to-audio, visual question answering), etc. Tag: Multimodal, AIGC, Large Language Model

  • 4 tips to use ChatGPT style Financial Chatbot to facilitate your daily financial work

    rockingdingo #Financial Chatbot #Stock Price #ChatGPT

    In this blog, we are introducing how you can use financial chatbot and AI-assistant writer to help you facilitate daily financial work, such as getting realtime stock price quote from global markets (US: NYSE,NASDAQ; China: HKEX, Shanghai,Shenzhen, etc.), consulting investment advice, consensus ratings and target price of stocks from analysts of multiple organizations (Schwab.com, MarketBeats, Zacks.com) and compare them, finding the meaning of complicated financial terms such as CPI, Put Option, Sharpe Ratio. You can also use ChatGPT to act as personally financial assistant, track your portfolio's stock names and show realtime changes. For content generation, you can use the AI-Writer assistant to facilitate writing reports, which integrates many APIs and other ChatGPT style Large Language Model to automatically generate text contents such as market research, financial reports of listed companies, etc.

  • 3 steps to create Financial Chatbot powered by ChatGPT Part 1

    rockingdingo #Financial Chatbot # ChatGPT # Stock Price

    In this blog, we will show you 3 easy steps to create your personal financial chatbot assistant powered by ChatGPT. ChatGPT is Large Language Model (LLM) based Artificial Intelligent service created by OpenAI company, who just released their latest Assistant API for chatbot creation. These AI assistants are very useful in financial industries. Common use cases include: Generating realtime stock price quotes, Analyzing financial data, Providing investment advices, generating summary of financial reports, etc. Keywords: Financial Chatbot, Financial ChatGPT, Chatbot Stock Price, Chatbot NYSE, Chatbot.

  • ACL2023 Hot Dialogue and Larget Language Models Papers List

    rockingdingo #ACL2023 #nlp #dialogue #llm

    This blog summarizes the latest research development of dialogue and large language models (LLM) papers published in ACL2023 conferences. This year there are total 79 papers related to dialogue in ACL2023. Most of the authors' affiliations are top research institutes (Google Research, DeepMind, Meta FAIR) and universities (Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, CMU and others).