• The 20 useful tricks to tell if Prada Bags are Real or Fake. This guidance is applied to most lines of Prada bags, including Prada Re-Edition, Leather Handbag, Leather Tote Bag, Wicker and leather Prada Arque bag, Crochet tote bag, Prada Arqué crochet shoulder bag, Prada Buckle medium leather handbag with belt, Prada Re-Edition 1978, Prada Galleria Saffiano Leather Bag, etc. You can also visit the official website of Prada (https://www.prada.com) and apply the information from this tutorial to help you check important details of the authentification of luxury Prada bags. The easiest way to tell if a Prada bag is real or fake is to judge by its appearance. You can check the letters of Prada logo, the letters of