• 大模型LLM 应用+AI Agents框架,为我们提供了非常便利的自动化执行任务的能力。微信公众号(订阅号)则是非常适合落地各种AI Agents的场景,我们可以利用微信公众号提供的文本、图像、语音的输入,在自己服务器上部署一套API框架,把自己感兴趣的一些对话、图文、语音等能力的API封装为Agents。这里给大家介绍一个拆箱即用的微信公众号服务端框架 Flask+tencent代码库来实现,并且会利用一个简单的金融智能助理(Finance Agent)的例子来实现一个根据用户输入来查询实时股价,并且返回给微信公众号用户的功能,支持更加复杂定制的AI Agents业务逻辑。

  • AI agent research have attracted a lot of attention with the rapid development of Large Language Model (LLM) and Reasoning (RL or CoT Chain of Thought) technology. Generative AI Agents use LLM to plan, act and reflect on the memories from the environment as well as the interactions from other agents, just like the environment in Stanford's Generative Agents paper "Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior". The simulation environment usually consists of a environment (Such as A Small Town) and multiple AI Agents taking actions to make plans and achieve goals. Before making plans and taking actions, agents will retrieve related information from memories, which is a list of descriptions of the timestamp and exact events, such as "2023-02-03 Someone is watching a movie...". During multi-agents simulation, each agent will have its own timeline and their actions are usually asynchronous. In this blog, we will give a review of the tools of AI Agents Visualization, especially in the situation where there are multiple agents with asynchronous actions during the simulation.

  • Dialogue Agent Multimodal Visualization Tools for AI Systems: A Review. With the rapid development of generative AI technology, developing Chatbot Assistant, Dialogue and Agents have become frequent tasks for designer, developer, product manager, machine learning and AI practitioner. There are a lot data (usually in json format) exchange during different phases of prototyping, designing and developing modern AI systems, such as Chatbot Assistant, Agent, Dialogue, AI Image Generator, text to image, AI video generator, etc. There are potential needs to help visualize the data (json format or others) for AI system. In this blog, we will introduce you an online dialogue data visualization tool DeepNLP Dialogue Visualization to help visualize the agents and dialogue history with simply a json string data. And we will use the OpenAI Dialogue GPT model for a multi-turn dialogue developing for example.