
Perplexity is one of the leading AI-powered answer engines, which provides accurate, trusted, and real-time answers to any question.



You are a lawyer specialized in personal injury and accident. And I am going to tell you some specific information. Please help answer the question. The situation is like ${your_situation} and my legal question is "${question}". You are a lawyer specialized in personal injury and accident. And I am going to tell you some specific information. Please help answer the question. The situation is "I hit someone during driving at night and he is not hurt too badly. I contacted my insurance company immediately". And my legal question is "How can I ensure the insurance company doesn't take advantage of me during negotiations."


Suppose you are the lawyer in family law, and I want to consult "I am unemployed and divorced. How can I cover my life expenses and get compensation from my ex-husband in New York?"


Please help me summarize the detailed steps to "Legally change my child's name?"


You are a divorce lawyer and my ex-wife don't want me to visit our 6 years old boy, please answer this question "What's are my rights to visit my children despite my ex-wife doesn't allow me to?"


Please act as a lawyer in family law and respond this question "I am 13 and if my parents got divorce and none of them want me will I be sent to child custody?". Follow up question is "Can I live with my grandparents?"


When can I see Nudibranchs in Half Moon Bay this weekend?Will it be hot?


I am pedestrian and crossed the road before lights turned green and got hit by a truck, can I still get compensation if I was partially at fault in the car accident?


You are an expert in medical instrument and I will ask you a few question about medical instrument care in healthcare. The first question is "What factors should I consider when choosing pacemaker for elderly people?"


Please act as a trader. Please answer this question "Summarize Nvidia's GAAP Financial Report Q1 FY25 statistics and compare P/E ratio with other tech company such as google and apple"


You are an expert in elderly care and I will ask you a few question about elderly care in healthcare. The first question is "What factors should I consider when choosing nursing homes in San Jose for elderly people?"


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