In this blog, we will introduce popular AI Agent Frameworks, Benchmarks (keep updated and beyond) Types and provide you some examples with Project Name, Project Website and its application and industries. The resources are collected from AI and ML websites and communities (github, huggingface, paper arxiv,etc) and the comprehensive will keep updating. You can also visit AI Agent Search to find the best resources AI Agents from various industries and applications. For AI Agent Frameworks, we will cover some popular AI agent frameworks, including LangChain, AutoGen, Crew AI etc. And for various types of AI agents, since it's very broad concepts, we will mainly cover the AI agents classified by Autonomous Ability (Auto AI Agents or Rule based) and by industries perspective. For AI Agent Benchmarks, this blog is usefully for AI and ML practitioners and beginners who want to understand what are AI Agents Benchmarks or Environments, the key capability why there are important and how the applications of these AI Agent benchmarks. We will cover different categories of AI Agent Environments, including Game-Based Environments, Text Chat-Based Environments, Physics and Robotics Simulations, Multi-Agent Platforms. Additionally, we can cover AI-Agents in various domains, such as the benchmarks and environments of AI Agents in Healthcare, AI Agents in Finance, AI Agents in Law, AI Agents in Education, etc. To find best AI Agent and Apps Search Engine and Navigation, please visit AI Agent Search.

Hi, I am a developer who have some basic knowledge of AI Agent, RAG and Multi-Agent Dialogues. Now I have a small project on hand, which I need to build a AI Agent on the finance industry to give some realtime information to my clients. When I am choosing different AI Agent platforms, I have some difficulties. Right now, I am comparing among Google Vertex AI Agent Builder, Microsoft Azure AI Agents and Salesforce AI Agents. Any suggestions or some free AI Agent Builder recommendations?I am actually cost-sensitive, for example, Google Vertex AI Agent builders have price is $12 per 1,000 queries, and Vertex AI search is $2 per 1,000 queries, which is a little bit above my budget limit.
In this blog, we will introduce popular AI Agent Frameworks, Benchmarks (keep updated and beyond) Types and provide you some examples with Project Name, Project Website and its application and industries. The resources are collected from AI and ML websites and communities (github, huggingface, paper arxiv,etc) and the comprehensive will keep updating. You can also visit AI Agent Search to find the best resources AI Agents from various industries and applications. For AI Agent Frameworks, we will cover some popular AI agent frameworks, including LangChain, AutoGen, Crew AI etc. And for various types of AI agents, since it's very broad concepts, we will mainly cover the AI agents classified by Autonomous Ability (Auto AI Agents or Rule based) and by industries perspective. For AI Agent Benchmarks, this blog is usefully for AI and ML practitioners and beginners who want to understand what are AI Agents Benchmarks or Environments, the key capability why there are important and how the applications of these AI Agent benchmarks. We will cover different categories of AI Agent Environments, including Game-Based Environments, Text Chat-Based Environments, Physics and Robotics Simulations, Multi-Agent Platforms. Additionally, we can cover AI-Agents in various domains, such as the benchmarks and environments of AI Agents in Healthcare, AI Agents in Finance, AI Agents in Law, AI Agents in Education, etc. To find best AI Agent and Apps Search Engine and Navigation, please visit AI Agent Search.
大模型LLM 应用+AI Agents框架,为我们提供了非常便利的自动化执行任务的能力。微信公众号(订阅号)则是非常适合落地各种AI Agents的场景,我们可以利用微信公众号提供的文本、图像、语音的输入,在自己服务器上部署一套API框架,把自己感兴趣的一些对话、图文、语音等能力的API封装为Agents。这里给大家介绍一个拆箱即用的微信公众号服务端框架 Flask+tencent代码库来实现,并且会利用一个简单的金融智能助理(Finance Agent)的例子来实现一个根据用户输入来查询实时股价,并且返回给微信公众号用户的功能,支持更加复杂定制的AI Agents业务逻辑。
In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation (Continuous-Time Finance). We will cover important topics including Standard Brownian Motion (SBM), Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM), Ito Lemma, Stochastic Integrals, Solutions to Some Common SDEs, Brownian Motion Variation, Stock Prices as a GBM, Stock Prices are Lognormal, Sharpe Ratio and Hedging, The Black-Scholes Equation, Risk-Neutral Valuation and Power Contracts.
Latex for Financial Engineering Mathematics Formula-Brownian Motion Ito Lemma Risk-Neutral Valuation
In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation (Continuous-Time Finance). We will cover important topics including Standard Brownian Motion (SBM), Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM), Ito Lemma, Stochastic Integrals, Solutions to Some Common SDEs, Brownian Motion Variation, Stock Prices as a GBM, Stock Prices are Lognormal, Sharpe Ratio and Hedging, The Black-Scholes Equation, Risk-Neutral Valuation and Power Contracts.
Latex for Financial Engineering Mathematics Formula Monte-Carlo Simulations and Interest Rate Models
In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation Monte-Carlo Simulations and Interest Rate Models. We will cover important topics including Monte-Carlo Simulations, Bonds and Interest Rates, Black-Derman-Toy (BDT) model and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) model.
In this blog, we will introduce popular AI Agent Frameworks, Benchmarks (keep updated and beyond) Types and provide you some examples with Project Name, Project Website and its application and industries. The resources are collected from AI and ML websites and communities (github, huggingface, paper arxiv,etc) and the comprehensive will keep updating. You can also visit AI Agent Search to find the best resources AI Agents from various industries and applications. For AI Agent Frameworks, we will cover some popular AI agent frameworks, including LangChain, AutoGen, Crew AI etc. And for various types of AI agents, since it's very broad concepts, we will mainly cover the AI agents classified by Autonomous Ability (Auto AI Agents or Rule based) and by industries perspective. For AI Agent Benchmarks, this blog is usefully for AI and ML practitioners and beginners who want to understand what are AI Agents Benchmarks or Environments, the key capability why there are important and how the applications of these AI Agent benchmarks. We will cover different categories of AI Agent Environments, including Game-Based Environments, Text Chat-Based Environments, Physics and Robotics Simulations, Multi-Agent Platforms. Additionally, we can cover AI-Agents in various domains, such as the benchmarks and environments of AI Agents in Healthcare, AI Agents in Finance, AI Agents in Law, AI Agents in Education, etc. To find best AI Agent and Apps Search Engine and Navigation, please visit AI Agent Search.
Financial Engineering
In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation (Continuous-Time Finance). We will cover important topics including Standard Brownian Motion (SBM), Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM), Ito Lemma, Stochastic Integrals, Solutions to Some Common SDEs, Brownian Motion Variation, Stock Prices as a GBM, Stock Prices are Lognormal, Sharpe Ratio and Hedging, The Black-Scholes Equation, Risk-Neutral Valuation and Power Contracts.
Latex for Financial Engineering Mathematics Formula-Brownian Motion Ito Lemma Risk-Neutral Valuation
In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation (Continuous-Time Finance). We will cover important topics including Standard Brownian Motion (SBM), Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM), Ito Lemma, Stochastic Integrals, Solutions to Some Common SDEs, Brownian Motion Variation, Stock Prices as a GBM, Stock Prices are Lognormal, Sharpe Ratio and Hedging, The Black-Scholes Equation, Risk-Neutral Valuation and Power Contracts.
Latex for Financial Engineering Mathematics Formula Monte-Carlo Simulations and Interest Rate Models
In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation Monte-Carlo Simulations and Interest Rate Models. We will cover important topics including Monte-Carlo Simulations, Bonds and Interest Rates, Black-Derman-Toy (BDT) model and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) model.