


  • Robert Brown 2024-07-01 14:16

    I asked Gemini a business and corporate law related question "What are the tax implications of forming an LLC vs. a corporation?". The answers from Gemini are amazing. The best part about the response from Gemini is that it not only lists the key points of LLC Tax Treatment (Pass-through Entity, Profits and Losses Pass Through, Tax Flexibility) and Corporate (Separate Tax Entity, Corporate Income Tax, Double Taxation). It also summarize the key results in a table comparing the difference in tax treatment between LLC and Corporate and provides some factors of consideration. The tabular display is really amazing. Prompt: You are a lawyer specialized in business and corporate law. I will consult you a few questions. And my questions include "What are the tax implications of forming an LLC vs. a corporation?"

  • Robert Brown 2024-07-01 14:07

    The results from ChatGPT is clear and informative. It lists 5 points to consider when choosing LLC VS Corporate, including: Pass-through Taxation vs. Double Taxation, Flexibility in Allocation of Income and Losses, Self-Employment Taxes, State-Specific Considerations and choosing the best entity.

  • DerekZZ 2024-06-18 22:43

    As for the tax refund question, I ask ChatGPT "what's the tax rate for a household with household with 2 kids and my wife is not working?". It gives pretty good answer. It lists detailed rate of all income ranges.

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