In this blog, we will introduce how to use ChatGPT stock analysis chatbot to quickly generate professional charts of financial data. A few AI techniques such as RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation), Text2SQL, and Larget Language Models (LLM) are used to help users find financial data, draw chart to compare key metrics, and adjust the color and shape of the chart using simple natural language prompts. A typical scenrio for professional financial analysts is to draw chart to compare the market capitalization, PE ratio of stocks from global market in converted currencies (US Dollars for example). This is a frequent scenario of daily workflow. The snapshots of AI generated charts is shown using DeepNLP Financial Assistant. You can try by clicking the button below the page, copy and paste the query in the chatbox and ask AI to generate charts or tables in few seconds, copy the charts to your reports or send to your manager. From the chart, we can see that on January 15th, Microsoft (MSFT) market cap reaches 2,887 Billon US dollars, and Apple (AAPL) reaches 2,874.68 Billion US dollars. Microsoft's market cap surpassed Apple and became the company of largest market capitalization in United States. The real-time stock data is from the web APIs, and converted to SQL using Text2SQL and LLM techniques.


In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation (Continuous-Time Finance). We will cover important topics including Standard Brownian Motion (SBM), Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM), Ito Lemma, Stochastic Integrals, Solutions to Some Common SDEs, Brownian Motion Variation, Stock Prices as a GBM, Stock Prices are Lognormal, Sharpe Ratio and Hedging, The Black-Scholes Equation, Risk-Neutral Valuation and Power Contracts.

In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation (Continuous-Time Finance). We will cover important topics including Standard Brownian Motion (SBM), Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM), Ito Lemma, Stochastic Integrals, Solutions to Some Common SDEs, Brownian Motion Variation, Stock Prices as a GBM, Stock Prices are Lognormal, Sharpe Ratio and Hedging, The Black-Scholes Equation, Risk-Neutral Valuation and Power Contracts.

In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation part I-Forwards, Puts, and Calls. We will cover important topics including Forwards, Put-Call Parity, Calls and Puts with Different Strikes, Calls and Puts Arbitrage, Call and Put Price Bounds, Varying Times to Expiration, Early Exercise for American Options, etc.

In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation Monte-Carlo Simulations and Interest Rate Models. We will cover important topics including Monte-Carlo Simulations, Bonds and Interest Rates, Black-Derman-Toy (BDT) model and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) model.

Financial Engineering

In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation (Continuous-Time Finance). We will cover important topics including Standard Brownian Motion (SBM), Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM), Ito Lemma, Stochastic Integrals, Solutions to Some Common SDEs, Brownian Motion Variation, Stock Prices as a GBM, Stock Prices are Lognormal, Sharpe Ratio and Hedging, The Black-Scholes Equation, Risk-Neutral Valuation and Power Contracts.

In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation (Continuous-Time Finance). We will cover important topics including Standard Brownian Motion (SBM), Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM), Ito Lemma, Stochastic Integrals, Solutions to Some Common SDEs, Brownian Motion Variation, Stock Prices as a GBM, Stock Prices are Lognormal, Sharpe Ratio and Hedging, The Black-Scholes Equation, Risk-Neutral Valuation and Power Contracts.

In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular equations for financial engineering. We will cover important topics, including Black-Scholes formula, Value at Risk(VaR), etc.

In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation part I-Forwards, Puts, and Calls. We will cover important topics including Forwards, Put-Call Parity, Calls and Puts with Different Strikes, Calls and Puts Arbitrage, Call and Put Price Bounds, Varying Times to Expiration, Early Exercise for American Options, etc.

In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Financial Engineering Formula and Equation Monte-Carlo Simulations and Interest Rate Models. We will cover important topics including Monte-Carlo Simulations, Bonds and Interest Rates, Black-Derman-Toy (BDT) model and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) model.


In this blog, we will summarize the latex code for equations of CFA Level I exam, Formula Sheet Equations and Latex Code, and provide Chatbot as AI Assistant to facilitate your reading. You can ask question like what is "Real GDP" in the chatbox. Topics in the blog include three major parts of CFA Level I exam: QUANTITATIVE, ECONOMICS and FINANCIAL REPORTING. Detailed topics include THE TIME VALUE OF MONEY, Future Value, Present Value, Effective Annual Rate, Continuous Compounding, Ordinary Annuity, Annuity Due, Perpetuity, STATISTICAL CONCEPT AND MARKET RETURNS, Fisher Skewness, Kurtosis, Two-asset portfolio, Three-asset portfolio, Microeconomics, Simple Interest, Effective Rate, Future Value of Ordinary Annuities, Annuities Due, Present Value of Ordinary Annuities, Allocative Efficiency Condition, Average Fixed Cost; Macroeconomics Investment, Aggregate Expenditure Without Government or Foreign Sectors, Marginal Propensity to Consume MPC, Marginal Propensity Save MPS, Sum of Marginal Propensity to Save and Marginal Propensity to Consume, Autonomous Spending Multiplier, Balanced Budget Multiplier, Banks Reserve Ratio, Nominal Interest Rate, Real GDP, Real Interest Rate, Tax Multiplier, Unemployment Rate. FINANCIAL REPORTING and ANALYSIS, Basic EPS, Diluted EPS, Balance Sheet, Free Cash Flow to the Firm, Cash Flow Performance Ratio, Cash Flow To Revenue Ratio, Cash Return On Assets, Cash Return On Assets, Cash Return On Equity, Activity Ratio, Inventory Turnover, Days of Inventory On Hand (DOH), Receivables Turnover, Days of Sales Outstanding, etc.

In this blog, we will summarize the latex code of most popular formulas and equations for Economics-MacroEconomics. We will cover important topics, including Investment, Aggregate Expenditure Without Government or Foreign Sectors, Marginal Propensity to Consume MPC, Marginal Propensity Save MPS, Sum of Marginal Propensity to Save and Marginal Propensity to Consume, Autonomous Spending Multiplier, Balanced Budget Multiplier, Banks Reserve Ratio, Budget Deficit, Financial Account Balance, Consumer Price Index CPI, Consumption Function, Current-Account Balance, Equality of Leakages and Injections, Equation of Exchange, Gross Domestic Product GDP, Gross Domestic Product Deflator, Inflation Between Two Years, Merchandise Trade Balance, Nominal Interest Rate, Real GDP, Real Interest Rate, Tax Multiplier, Unemployment Rate, etc.


In this blog, we will summarize the latex code for equations of CFA Level I exam, Formula Sheet Equations and Latex Code, and provide Chatbot as AI Assistant to facilitate your reading. You can ask question like what is "Real GDP" in the chatbox. Topics in the blog include three major parts of CFA Level I exam: QUANTITATIVE, ECONOMICS and FINANCIAL REPORTING. Detailed topics include THE TIME VALUE OF MONEY, Future Value, Present Value, Effective Annual Rate, Continuous Compounding, Ordinary Annuity, Annuity Due, Perpetuity, STATISTICAL CONCEPT AND MARKET RETURNS, Fisher Skewness, Kurtosis, Two-asset portfolio, Three-asset portfolio, Microeconomics, Simple Interest, Effective Rate, Future Value of Ordinary Annuities, Annuities Due, Present Value of Ordinary Annuities, Allocative Efficiency Condition, Average Fixed Cost; Macroeconomics Investment, Aggregate Expenditure Without Government or Foreign Sectors, Marginal Propensity to Consume MPC, Marginal Propensity Save MPS, Sum of Marginal Propensity to Save and Marginal Propensity to Consume, Autonomous Spending Multiplier, Balanced Budget Multiplier, Banks Reserve Ratio, Nominal Interest Rate, Real GDP, Real Interest Rate, Tax Multiplier, Unemployment Rate. FINANCIAL REPORTING and ANALYSIS, Basic EPS, Diluted EPS, Balance Sheet, Free Cash Flow to the Firm, Cash Flow Performance Ratio, Cash Flow To Revenue Ratio, Cash Return On Assets, Cash Return On Assets, Cash Return On Equity, Activity Ratio, Inventory Turnover, Days of Inventory On Hand (DOH), Receivables Turnover, Days of Sales Outstanding, etc.


In this blog, we will introduce how to use ChatGPT stock analysis chatbot to quickly generate professional charts of financial data. A few AI techniques such as RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation), Text2SQL, and Larget Language Models (LLM) are used to help users find financial data, draw chart to compare key metrics, and adjust the color and shape of the chart using simple natural language prompts. A typical scenrio for professional financial analysts is to draw chart to compare the market capitalization, PE ratio of stocks from global market in converted currencies (US Dollars for example). This is a frequent scenario of daily workflow. The snapshots of AI generated charts is shown using DeepNLP Financial Assistant. You can try by clicking the button below the page, copy and paste the query in the chatbox and ask AI to generate charts or tables in few seconds, copy the charts to your reports or send to your manager. From the chart, we can see that on January 15th, Microsoft (MSFT) market cap reaches 2,887 Billon US dollars, and Apple (AAPL) reaches 2,874.68 Billion US dollars. Microsoft's market cap surpassed Apple and became the company of largest market capitalization in United States. The real-time stock data is from the web APIs, and converted to SQL using Text2SQL and LLM techniques.

AI Courses

In this blog, we will summarize the latex code for equations of CFA Level I exam, Formula Sheet Equations and Latex Code, and provide Chatbot as AI Assistant to facilitate your reading. You can ask question like what is "Real GDP" in the chatbox. Topics in the blog include three major parts of CFA Level I exam: QUANTITATIVE, ECONOMICS and FINANCIAL REPORTING. Detailed topics include THE TIME VALUE OF MONEY, Future Value, Present Value, Effective Annual Rate, Continuous Compounding, Ordinary Annuity, Annuity Due, Perpetuity, STATISTICAL CONCEPT AND MARKET RETURNS, Fisher Skewness, Kurtosis, Two-asset portfolio, Three-asset portfolio, Microeconomics, Simple Interest, Effective Rate, Future Value of Ordinary Annuities, Annuities Due, Present Value of Ordinary Annuities, Allocative Efficiency Condition, Average Fixed Cost; Macroeconomics Investment, Aggregate Expenditure Without Government or Foreign Sectors, Marginal Propensity to Consume MPC, Marginal Propensity Save MPS, Sum of Marginal Propensity to Save and Marginal Propensity to Consume, Autonomous Spending Multiplier, Balanced Budget Multiplier, Banks Reserve Ratio, Nominal Interest Rate, Real GDP, Real Interest Rate, Tax Multiplier, Unemployment Rate. FINANCIAL REPORTING and ANALYSIS, Basic EPS, Diluted EPS, Balance Sheet, Free Cash Flow to the Firm, Cash Flow Performance Ratio, Cash Flow To Revenue Ratio, Cash Return On Assets, Cash Return On Assets, Cash Return On Equity, Activity Ratio, Inventory Turnover, Days of Inventory On Hand (DOH), Receivables Turnover, Days of Sales Outstanding, etc.


In this blog, we will introduce 4 ways to use ChatGPT powered chatbot to gain real-time information of global stock markets and accelerate your working productivity. The global financial stock market's realtime data is usually seperated across different websites globally, including NASDAQ, NYSE, London Stock Change(LSE), Hongkong Stock Exchange(HKEX), Tokyo stock Exchange(TSE), National Stock Exchange in India (NSE), SHANGHAI/SHENZHEN stock Exchange, etc. Use ChatGPT powered Chatbot can help query stock prices from diffent market, compare them in a single question in the natural languange manner. For example, you can ask Chatbot a question: "Stock price of Tesla, Shell and Alibaba" in a single question. You can gain also more information from there different global markets at the same time (NASDAQ, London Stock Exchange and Hongkong Stock Exchange, etc). Additionally, you can also ask more specific questions like financial data including PE ratio, Market Capitalization (Market Cap), High Price of a particular stocks. Comparing the financial data performance, such as stock price, market cap, pe ratio of multiple stocks are also a frequent way of using Chatbot. Also you can ask the chatbot to help you plot a table or chart to compare the stocks, which you can just copy and paste to your daily financial report.

In this blog, we are introducing how you can use financial chatbot and AI-assistant writer to help you facilitate daily financial work, such as getting realtime stock price quote from global markets (US: NYSE,NASDAQ; China: HKEX, Shanghai,Shenzhen, etc.), consulting investment advice, consensus ratings and target price of stocks from analysts of multiple organizations (, MarketBeats, and compare them, finding the meaning of complicated financial terms such as CPI, Put Option, Sharpe Ratio. You can also use ChatGPT to act as personally financial assistant, track your portfolio's stock names and show realtime changes. For content generation, you can use the AI-Writer assistant to facilitate writing reports, which integrates many APIs and other ChatGPT style Large Language Model to automatically generate text contents such as market research, financial reports of listed companies, etc.

In this blog, we will show you how simple it is to write a python spider to crawl realtime stock quotes from Hong Kong Stock Market (HKEX) official website. We will use the common python lib "requests" and "BeautifulSoup". And the complete code is also attached to this blog. We use Tencent(stock code: 700) as an example to show you how to to download the realtime stock price quote from HKEX's official website

In this blog, we will show you 3 easy steps to create your personal financial chatbot assistant powered by ChatGPT. ChatGPT is Large Language Model (LLM) based Artificial Intelligent service created by OpenAI company, who just released their latest Assistant API for chatbot creation. These AI assistants are very useful in financial industries. Common use cases include: Generating realtime stock price quotes, Analyzing financial data, Providing investment advices, generating summary of financial reports, etc. Keywords: Financial Chatbot, Financial ChatGPT, Chatbot Stock Price, Chatbot NYSE, Chatbot.

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