
The 20 useful tricks to tell if Louis Vuitton bags are real or fake. This guidance introduces some useful tricks to tell the Authenticity of your Louis Vuitton bags, which is applied to different models of bags of Louis Vuitton designer handbags series, including Louis Vuitton Speedy, Louis Vuitton Alma, Louis Vuitton Neverfull, Louis Vuitton Twist, Louis Vuitton Petite Boite Chapeau, Louis Vuitton Looping Bag, Louis Vuitton Pochette Accessoires Bag, Louis Vuitton Capucines Bag, Louis Vuitton Noé Bag, Louis Vuitton Petite Malle Bag, etc. First of all, you can check the appearance of the Louis Vuitton bags, including the Printing of LV Logo Letters on the Gags, Granularity of letters on the leather should be clean and tight, the appearance of metal zipper, the letters on the washing labels, etc.


The 20 useful tricks to tell if Louis Vuitton bags are real or fake. This guidance introduces some useful tricks to tell the Authenticity of your Louis Vuitton bags, which is applied to different models of bags of Louis Vuitton designer handbags series, including Louis Vuitton Speedy, Louis Vuitton Alma, Louis Vuitton Neverfull, Louis Vuitton Twist, Louis Vuitton Petite Boite Chapeau, Louis Vuitton Looping Bag, Louis Vuitton Pochette Accessoires Bag, Louis Vuitton Capucines Bag, Louis Vuitton Noé Bag, Louis Vuitton Petite Malle Bag, etc. First of all, you can check the appearance of the Louis Vuitton bags, including the Printing of LV Logo Letters on the Gags, Granularity of letters on the leather should be clean and tight, the appearance of metal zipper, the letters on the washing labels, etc.

The 20 useful tricks to tell if your Chanel bags are real or fake. This guidance introduces some useful tricks to tell the authenticity of your Chanel bags, which are applied to different series, including Mademoiselle Chanel 2.55, Reissue 2.55 Flap Bag, Classic Flap (CF), Le Boy, Gabrielle, Wallet on Chain, GRAND SHOPPING TOTE (GST), Coco Handle, etc. First of all, you can check the appearance of the Chanel bags, including Chanel Logo Letters on the bags, Interior Leather of the Bags, Letters Carved on the Button, Screw of the Metal Plate, Double-C Metal Logo, etc.

The 20 useful tricks to tell if Hermes bags are real or fake. This guidance is applied to most lines of Hermes bags, including Birkin, Kelly, Evelyne, Constance, etc. You can also visit the official website of Hermes and compare apply the information from this tutorial to help you check important details of the authentification of luxury Hermes bags. The easiest way to tell if a Hermes bag is real or fake is to judge by its appearance. You can check the printing of Hermes logo letters on the bags, granularity of letters on the leathers, the appearance of metal zipper, the letters carved on the metal parts, the logo printed on the dust bags, the stitches on the hands of bags, etc.

How to tell if Gucci bags are real or fake. This guidance is applied to most lines of Cucci bags, including Lophidia, Dionysus, GG Marmont, Supreme & Retro, etc. You can also visit the official website of Gucci and apply the information from this tutorial to help you check important details of the authentification of luxury Gucci bags. The easiest way to tell if a Gucci bag is real or fake is to judge by its appearance. You can check the serial number on the leather plate, the shape of trademark and letters of Gucci Logo on the bags, the appearance of metal zipper, the double-G metal logo in the front, the washing labels, the metal button, etc.

The 20 useful tricks about how to tell if Dior bags are real or fake. This guidance is applied to most lines of Dior bags, including Dior Book Tote, Saddle Bags with Strap, 30 Montaigne East-West Bag with Chain, Small/Medium/Large Dior Toujours Bags, D-Vibe Bowling Bags, Lady Dior Bags, Lady D-Sire My ABCDior Bags, etc. You can also visit the official website of Dior ( and apply the information from this tutorial to help you check important details of the authentification of luxury Dior bags. The easiest way to tell if a Dior bag is real or fake is to judge by its appearance. You can check the "Christian Dior" logo on the leather plate, the appearance of metal zipper, inner corner of the large logo 'D', the serial numbers on the leather plate, the abbreviation of "CD" on the metal part, and the accessories on Dior bags.

The 20 useful tricks to tell if Prada Bags are Real or Fake. This guidance is applied to most lines of Prada bags, including Prada Re-Edition, Leather Handbag, Leather Tote Bag, Wicker and leather Prada Arque bag, Crochet tote bag, Prada Arqué crochet shoulder bag, Prada Buckle medium leather handbag with belt, Prada Re-Edition 1978, Prada Galleria Saffiano Leather Bag, etc. You can also visit the official website of Prada ( and apply the information from this tutorial to help you check important details of the authentification of luxury Prada bags. The easiest way to tell if a Prada bag is real or fake is to judge by its appearance. You can check the letters of Prada logo, the letters of

The 20 useful tricks to tell if Coach Bags are Real or Fake. This guidance is applied to most lines of Coach bags, including COACH RACHEL PHONE CROSSBODY BAG, COACH REVERSIBLE CITY TOTE BAG, COACH PRAIRIE SATCHEL BAG, COACH MARLON HOBO BAG, COACH DREAMER IN COLORBLOCK WITH WHIPSTITCH BAG, COACH DRAWSTRING CARRYALL BAG, COACH TOWN BUCKET BAG, COACH ROWAN SATCHEL BAG, COACH Mollie Bucket Bag, COACH Val Duffle BAG, COACH Gallery Tote BAG, COACH Mini Klare CROSSBODY BAG, etc. You can also visit the official website of Coach ( and apply the information from this tutorial to help you check important details of the authentification of Coach bags. The easiest way to tell if a Coach bag is real or fake is to judge by its appearance. You can check the Coach logo and the sign of horse and carriage, the leather plate, the serial number and coach story patch, text on the washing labels and origin of manufacturing, metal zipper, and the paper tag with bar code, etc.

The 20 useful tricks to tell if Fendi Bags are Real or Fake. This guidance is applied to most lines of Fendi bags, including FF Raffia Crochet Shopper, Reversible Shopper in Pequin Striped, Baguette Pouch, Fendigraphy mini, Baguette Mini, Fendigraphy Mini, Mon Tresor, Baguette, Small Roll, By the Way Mini, Sunshine Small, C'mon Small, etc. You can also visit the official website of Fendi ( and apply the information from this tutorial to help you check important details of the authentification of Fendi bags. The easiest way to tell if a Fendi bag is real or fake is to judge by its appearance. You can check the Fendi logo printed on the washing label, the RFID authentification chips, the letters printed on the leather patch, the shape of scissors on the Label, and the Double F Logo, etc.

The 20 useful tricks to tell if IWC Schaffhausen watches are Real or Fake. This guidance is applied to most series of IWC Schaffhausen watches, including IWC PORTUGIESER ETERNAL CALENDAR, IWC Pilot Watches, IWC Portofino, IWC INGENIEUR, IWC AQUATIMER, IWC CERALUME, etc. You can also visit the official website of IWC Schaffhausen ( and apply the information from this tutorial to help you check important details of the authentification of IWC watches. In this blog, we will compare two PORTUGIESER watches to show you the tricks and it's also applied to other IWC watch series. First of all, you can tell if IWC watch is real or fake by its appearance. Additionally, if you have the instruments to open the watches, you can also check the interior of watches and movement to see if they are correct and genuine with the official models.


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